May 29, 2012 - The Memorial Day weekend was one for the record books. Much of the interior U.S. sizzled. Even worse, the heat was accompanied by unrelenting humidity. Here in southwest Ohio, our temperatures were in the low 90's, with humidity hovering around 60 percent. The weather was dangerous. Republicans are known for being ferociously opposed to regulation. They represent much of the western United States, where Americans are likeliest to take the attitude "no one can tell me what to do." That's patently ridiculous, of course. We all have bosses; even the CEO's of major corporations report to a board of directors. There's a reason for that. When people aren't held accountable, some among them ultimately engage in whatever sort of behavior will benefit them the most, even if rules forbid that behavior. They collectively give each other permission to ignore the rules, little bit by little bit. What one dar...
Understanding the global-warming world: causes and ramifications.