December 25, 2015 - We saw the movie The Big Short today; I highly recommend it. It's surpassingly sad that we, i.e. American society, have allowed the compilation of lies accumulated during the Bush/Cheney years to go so long unaddressed. This movie takes an important step in the direction of redressing these omissions. I readily confess I didn't understand all parts of the movie, though the delightful "asides" provided throughout did help. Though I wouldn't characterize the movie in general with the word delightful, it has its moments.
To what degree were the actions of our government, the banks, real estate companies, and investors set in motion the day Bush/Cheney were permitted to steal the 2000 election? Permitted by an apathetic and confused electorate, aided and abetted by the Supreme Court of the United States, the patently nefarious intentions of the Republican candidates proceeded as planned. Speaking for myself, I argued silently that my place was in Washington, D.C., along with the handful of demonstrators outside the Court. But I couldn't go, I reasoned; I'd either have to quit my job or take vacation time, neither of which was going to receive my husband's blessing. Add in the cost of gasoline and a hotel room, and this turkey of an idea just wasn't going to fly. So I let myself off the hook, along with millions of the rest of us.
Of course, the failure of too-big-to-fail financial institutions was merely an anti-climax, considering the horror perpetrated by our government in 2001. As we all now know, thanks to the ongoing research performed by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911), World Trade Center buildings were not only catastrophically attacked by airplanes, they fell very neatly into their own footprints because of having been wired for demolition. As documented in their videos and literature, this organization of professionals and concerned citizens has shown that the WTC buildings should have toppled to the ground. By that I mean they should have tipped over at some point, thereby increasing the death and destruction by an unknown factor. Even today, an unthinkable outcome. Bush/Cheney didn't want THAT mess to deal with, so they arranged for a neat and tidy tragedy of epic proportion. For more information on this essential subject, go to
The lies just kept coming. Unknown sums of taxpayer dollars have been spent on fraudulent wars. At the same time ExxonMobil was rewording its own climate research in an effort to forestall the adoption of renewable energy. Republicans have mocked and disparaged countless ethical, reputable climate scientists who have testified before countless committee hearings in Washington. The death of a planet and its inhabitants suited their scorched earth approach to governing perfectly. Climate change couldn't be happening because they said so. The truth be damned; they would stop clean energy legislation because they could stop it. Sidekicks and corporate cronies who kept them in office were the only ones to benefit; the planet keeps wending its way toward a cosmic graveyard.
How important is the truth? It is the great enabler. It sets us free to right wrongs. When spoken loudly and emphatically, we all breathe more easily, because it touches the divine spark within us all. We see ourselves and our neighbors more clearly. We rest assured that justice will be served. The hard work ahead pales in comparison to the effort it takes to live a lie. Justice delayed is justice denied; nevertheless, I look forward to the day Bush and Cheney are tried at the International Court of Justice at The Hague.
To what degree were the actions of our government, the banks, real estate companies, and investors set in motion the day Bush/Cheney were permitted to steal the 2000 election? Permitted by an apathetic and confused electorate, aided and abetted by the Supreme Court of the United States, the patently nefarious intentions of the Republican candidates proceeded as planned. Speaking for myself, I argued silently that my place was in Washington, D.C., along with the handful of demonstrators outside the Court. But I couldn't go, I reasoned; I'd either have to quit my job or take vacation time, neither of which was going to receive my husband's blessing. Add in the cost of gasoline and a hotel room, and this turkey of an idea just wasn't going to fly. So I let myself off the hook, along with millions of the rest of us.
Of course, the failure of too-big-to-fail financial institutions was merely an anti-climax, considering the horror perpetrated by our government in 2001. As we all now know, thanks to the ongoing research performed by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911), World Trade Center buildings were not only catastrophically attacked by airplanes, they fell very neatly into their own footprints because of having been wired for demolition. As documented in their videos and literature, this organization of professionals and concerned citizens has shown that the WTC buildings should have toppled to the ground. By that I mean they should have tipped over at some point, thereby increasing the death and destruction by an unknown factor. Even today, an unthinkable outcome. Bush/Cheney didn't want THAT mess to deal with, so they arranged for a neat and tidy tragedy of epic proportion. For more information on this essential subject, go to
The lies just kept coming. Unknown sums of taxpayer dollars have been spent on fraudulent wars. At the same time ExxonMobil was rewording its own climate research in an effort to forestall the adoption of renewable energy. Republicans have mocked and disparaged countless ethical, reputable climate scientists who have testified before countless committee hearings in Washington. The death of a planet and its inhabitants suited their scorched earth approach to governing perfectly. Climate change couldn't be happening because they said so. The truth be damned; they would stop clean energy legislation because they could stop it. Sidekicks and corporate cronies who kept them in office were the only ones to benefit; the planet keeps wending its way toward a cosmic graveyard.
How important is the truth? It is the great enabler. It sets us free to right wrongs. When spoken loudly and emphatically, we all breathe more easily, because it touches the divine spark within us all. We see ourselves and our neighbors more clearly. We rest assured that justice will be served. The hard work ahead pales in comparison to the effort it takes to live a lie. Justice delayed is justice denied; nevertheless, I look forward to the day Bush and Cheney are tried at the International Court of Justice at The Hague.
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