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Getting to Know Monsanto

March 8, 2019

The information in this summary is taken from an article, written by E. Hanzai, that first appeared in the Waking Times in June of 2014.

Monsanto was founded in 1901 by John Queeny, for the purpose of making saccharin for Coca-Cola. He named the company for his wife, Olga Mendez Monsanto. Astonishingly, the government sued Monsanto, since saccharin was a known poison, to make them stop production. It lost! It's been downhill ever since. In the 1920s, Monsanto began production of polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, a long-lasting toxin and carcinogen. PCBs were banned after fifty years for causing environmental holocaust, but are still present in animal and human blood samples and tissue cells around the world. Court documents plainly showed Monsanto's awareness of PCBs' deadly effects.
The pattern of behavior established nearly a hundred years ago continues to this day: hiding the facts from the public, and denial, denial, denial. Monsanto failed to disclose its use of dioxin in a number of products because it would have meant acknowledging it had wreaked havoc with the environment. Monsanto appears in court many times during the 1960s to defend its use of dioxin in Agent Orange, a defoliant, which was used by our government in Vietnam. How did they defend their product? By lying.

During WWII, Monsanto partnered with I.G. Farben, maker of Bayer aspirin, to produce Zyklon-B gas. After the war, the two companies joined forces to introduce aspartame, a sugarless sweetener and deadly neurotoxin. By the 1970s, the FDA's research into aspartame revealed it caused tumors, as well as large holes, in the brains of rats. With the help of low friends in high places, Donald Rumsfeld convinces President Reagan to bury FDA research. As a result, Nutrasweet comes on the market for use in dried products. Monsanto partner G.D. Searle Co.'s true goal was to have aspartame approved as a soft drink sweetener. In 1985, independent researchers clamor regarding aspartame's toxic effects. Monsanto then bribes the National Cancer Institute, providing them with their own fraudulent research showing that formaldehyde, a constituent of aspartame, does not cause cancer! Monsanto's pattern of secretive behavior continues into the 90s, when they are sued countless times for dumping dioxin, pesticides, and other toxins into drinking water systems. Plant workers, along with families in the affected areas, all become ill.

Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are the next horror perpetrated on the American people, and, ultimately, on people all over the world. Monsanto will not allow the seeds of GM crops to be collected from year to year, a hardship on poor farmers. Furthermore, because GM crops self-pollinate, bees are not a part of their life cycle. In fact, Monsanto has engineered GM crops to poison bees. Bee colony collapse first began showing up after the introduction of GM crops. Monsanto doesn't want bees playing their vital role in the perpetuation of plant life, because they interrupt Monsanto's "full domination control agenda."

Still in the 1990s, Round-Up, an herbicide so poisonous it kills insects, animals, and human beings (the World Health Organization has labeled its main ingredient, glyphosate, a probable carcinogen) becomes Monsanto's primary focus. In order to promulgate the pesticide's world-wide use, crop seeds, known as terminator seeds, which can tolerate glyphosate and not die, are mandated by Monsanto as part of a package deal. To grow the seeds, you must kill the insects that feed on them, and the weeds that crowd them. Because glyphosate kills everything it touches, you must use terminator seeds.  Into the 2000s, Monsanto continues to merge with competitors, becoming so wealthy that no lawsuit or lawsuits can undermine them. More dismal than almost anything else, it's known that Whole Foods has, for a long time, done business with Monsanto to produce their "organic" foods! Foods that contain the entire spectrum of Monsanto's poisons: GMOs, pesticides, recombinant bovine growth hormones, and antibiotics. No wonder they opposed labeling foods containing GMOs!

While President Obama signed laws intended to protect Monsanto (!), there are countries that have convicted Monsanto of crimes against humanity and given them the boot. What can we do to keep this nefarious corporation out of our lives? Start by growing your own food, and shopping at local farmers' markets. Read and take action!

Find the original article here:


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