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Killing Us Slowly

August 12, 2013 – Are you demanding locally-raised, pasture-fed meats?  Do you protect yourself and your family by eating animals raised in a non-industrial environment that doesn’t depend upon the constant administration of low levels of antibiotics?  If you do, you’ll be relieved that you do after you read this article.  If you don’t, I’m about to give you a lot to think about.

Here’s the deal: animals like pigs and lambs and cows generally know what to eat.  Pigs, the little darlings, are omnivorous – like us.  Lambs and cows are vegetarians.  Allowed a general diet, they pick up all the nutrients they need along the way, including trace minerals.  They’re healthy, so you’re healthy.  What’s inside of them winds up inside of you.  Healthy, happy animals make good food.  Make sense?

It takes only a little imagination to surmise what the outcome might be when animals are confined in cramped, filthy quarters and fed monoculture diets of genetically modified (GMO) corn and soy.  But I never imagined this: calves too weak to walk, with enlarged joints and limb deformities. Piglets so severely malnourished they begin living off their own tissue.  Bones so brittle they easily fracture.  Adult cows with mastitis, a painful udder infection.  Beef cattle with liver abscesses, or an excruciating condition known as twisted gut.

This is what we’re finding out only now, because the government permits Monsanto to test its own products.  They didn’t like what they found out, so they ignored it.  Now veterinarians are dealing with the reality.  They think we should all take heed, because what troubles their animal patients is what our doctors say trouble us: digestive disorders (Activia, anyone?), damaged organs, infertility (think low sperm count), weakened immune systems, and chronic depression (it’s no laughing matter!).  Ever notice that younger workers miss a lot more days of work than us older workers?  There’s a reason for that.

It’s called glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s weed-killer RoundUp.  Glyphosate  binds up nutrients like manganese and cobalt in both the soil and the plant.  Lack of manganese in a calf’s diet can cause enlarged joints, deformed limbs, and crippling weakness.  And cobalt?  Not only beef cattle suffer from its absence; pigs do, too.   Out of 522 hog livers tested, exactly none exhibited a normal level of cobalt.  All had been exposed to RoundUp.   Researchers at Texas A&M University discovered that glyphosate ties up cobalt at 102 – 103 times the rate it ties up manganese.  The liver is awful darn important …

Most of us know by now that industrially-raised cows are fed antibiotics.  But few of us realize that pesticides, including RoundUp, act not only as weed killer, but as biocides, i.e., antibiotics, as well.  Cattle are, in fact, consuming so many antibiotic chemicals that their gut bacteria and parasitic organisms can no longer carry out metabolic processes.  Bloat and twisted gut – yes, it’s as painful as it sounds – are the result.

Should you be eating the muscle tissue of animals raised in Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)?  In my opinion, no, you should not.  Does avoiding GMOs mean you will have to spend more money on food?  Yes, it does.  Should Monsanto stop making RoundUp?  Yes, it should.

Well – what are you going to do about it?


With thanks to



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